Tuesday 29 November 2011

Wall to wall...

Getting a little bored of the persistent driving drizzle and rain all day everyday of late. At least I’m not on an island out in the North Sea being battered from all directions though. (http://farnephoto.blogspot.com/). 

This week I have mostly been building dry-stone walls with intermittent brew breaks to dry off. 


Fieldfare with damaged wing

Used a skip as a hide to get this shot.. Nice!

All’s quiet on the bird front (as usual) a few fieldfares (largest flock of around 300) have been regular on the trails. Distant views of a Merlin last night came while on a Hen Harrier roost watch up by Hadrian’s Wall.  

Heading up Coldfell (the highest point on the reserve) tomorrow to inspect a fence and investigate some rogue sheep wanderings, so hope for better weather.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Raptor petition..

Sign this! http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/23089

Saturday 26 November 2011

And so it begins...

So why the blog?
Three reasons; firstly because the weather is terrible, secondly there are very few birds around (took a two hour walk earlier and saw four birds), finally for friends, family, anyone and everyone to enjoy.

So what’s the blog about?
It will be about anything and everything that’s kicking off around the Geltsdale reserve on which I am based. A bit of photography, a bit about birds (or lack of), perhaps some moths and butterflies, maybe I’ll even throw in some sketches. 

I’ll do my best to keep it updated as often as I can.

Basically get the kettle on, brew up a nice pot of PG and enjoy…

We had the first heavy frost of the winter last week. Weather has been much milder this week but with strong westerly winds and heavy rain it’s not been pleasant.

Bird wise it’s been a generally quiet week (as usual), 11 Whoppers have stopped by on Tindale Tarn probably avoiding the gale force westerly winds. Duck numbers also seem to be building with good numbers of the usual, Pochard, Teal, Goldeneye, Tufted Duck, Mallard and Wigeon.

For those who don’t know the Geltsdale reserve, the best initial winter description is; ‘a huge, bleak, expanse of upland bog’. The vast expanse of heather moorland is broken up by pockets of marsh, grazed meadows and ancient woodland and under RSPB management new mixed deciduous woodlands have been planted in order to re-establish the forests which once stood.

One of the many species set to benefit from the newly created woodlands. Black Grouse can often be seen feeding and even Lekking in the hawthorn tree tops at this time of year.
