Friday 27 April 2012

Ringo Stars!

At least 5 Ring ouzels on the reserve today, enjoy…

Thursday 19 April 2012

Quick Pic update!

mmm i like flies!


Robins in!

Cormorant in the wind


Thrift and Sea campion

Wednesday 11 April 2012


Today brought a welcome return to sunshine after a couple of days of drizzle, sleet and heavy rain.

Here are a few pictures from todays wanderings. 
What looks to me like an adult male white wagtail
Pinkie straggler

Recent sightings;
Whooper Swan 31 north
Nuthatch 1 'wick end of Mire Loch
Pink-footed goose 103 north at 5pm
Harbour Porpoise 3 north at 6pm
White wagtail 2 by the Lighthouse

Moth trap was out on the 8th but the weather wasn't very conducive, only caught 4 Hebrew Characters and 3 Clouded Drabs.

Thursday 5 April 2012

St Abb’s Mad!

Apologies for the lack up recent updates. I’ve been a busy boy. I've just moved to start my new job as Seasonal Ranger/Naturalist at St Abb’s Head. Soon after I arrived I was away to the West coast for a couple of days training at Culzean Country Park (well worth a visit).

St Abb’s Head NNR is a stunning patchwork of habitats including; 90m high cliffs, a sheltered freshwater loch (complete with small reedbed), acres of gorse and scrub, small wooded areas (not all native), short grazed rough grasslands, farmland and rocky outcrops. As such the area is home to a huge range of species. The site is also a perfect stop off point for migrants moving up or down the East coast.

Mire Loch
This week I have mostly been busy with the general introductory things associated with starting here. A large part of my job is based around monitoring the reserves wildlife, particularly the birds and butterflies. Perhaps it should be ‘birds, butterflies and a brew’.

Since moving here last Thu the weather has taken a distinct turn back towards winter. Earlier this week we had strong north easterly winds bringing big seas, sleet, rain and snow. Thankfully the weather has now calmed and fingers crossed for a return to spring.

Calm after the storm. Petticowick
Spring is well and truly in action here. Shags are already on eggs, Kittiwakes are busy nest building, the Mute Swans have built an impressive nest and at least 2 Coots have nests… The season is off to an early start.

Migrant wise, It’s generally been fairly quiet so far, the stars being 2 Snow Buntings up by the lighthouse on Tue, a few Redwings moving though and a Water Rail at the Mire Loch. 

Sun, Sea and... Spring

Hopefully I’ll have the moth trap up and running soon to see what’s about (check back here to see what turns up).